bioterrorism actの例文
- The Bioterrorism Act of 2002 expanded that zone to within a 20-mile radius of every nuclear plant.
- Bioterrorism Act : http : / / www . fda . gov / oc / bioterrorism / bioact . html
- FDA Bioterrorism Act : http : / / www . fda . gov / oc / bioterrorism / bioact . html
- The requirement is part of the U . S . 2002 Bioterrorism Act and applies to items arriving in that country from all over the world.
- Under the Bioterrorism Act, Bush had six months to issue guidance to state and local governments on stockpiling potassium iodide pills, but he has not done so.
- The Bioterrorism Act of 2002 required a study by scientists of how to store and distribute the pills, of potassium iodide, a drug that protects against radioactive iodine.
- Under the Bioterrorism Act, President Bush had six months to issue guidance to state and local governments on stockpiling potassium iodide pills, but he has not done so.
- Under the Bioterrorism Act, the U . S . government is requiring 420, 000 food handling companies within the United States and abroad to register all products with the FDA.
- In addition, this race / biovar has been listed as a select agent in the Agriculture Bioterrorism Act of 2002 and is considered to have potential to be developed as a bioterrorist weapon.
- Under the Bioterrorism Act, the U . S . government is asking 400, 000 food handling companies _ at home and abroad _ to register all products with the Food and Drug Administration.
- The only other known bioterrorism act the epidemic service ever investigated was in 1984 in Oregon, where followers of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh deliberately contaminated restaurant salad bars, leading to 751 cases of salmonella poisoning.
- Congress passed the Bioterrorism Act of 2002 to enhance food security, including requiring domestic and foreign companies that make or handle food destined for U . S . consumption to register with the federal government.
- More recently, the Bioterrorism Act of 2002 required food companies to keep records that could be traced in the produce supply chain ( i . e . one step up and one step back ).
- Under the Bioterrorism Act, the U . S . government is asking 400, 000 food handling companies at home and abroad to register all products with the U . S . Food and Drug Administration.
- Under the Bioterrorism Act of 2002, the U . S . government is asking 400, 000 food handling companies _ both within the United States and abroad _ to register all products with the FDA.
- To comply with the new rules under the 2002 Bioterrorism Act, companies also have to submit information about their factories, workforce and location, and send a detailed report about the contents of every shipment at least two hours before it reaches the border.
- Under the Bioterrorism Act, which had been scheduled to be fully implemented Friday, the U . S . government is requiring 420, 000 food handling companies _ within the United States and abroad _ to register all products with the Food and Drug Administration.
- The Bioterrorism Act was passed by Congress in 2002 as it searched for ways to shore up America's defenses in places such as Nogales, where huge shipments of processed food and 60 percent of U . S . fruit and vegetable imports cross the border.